IN­FRARED SAUNA | OK! (Australia)


Infrared Saunas are becoming a new trend among celebrities! Lady Gaga uses it to help control pain caused by fibromyalgia. Call us today for an appointment 262-336-8020 or visit #detox #wellness #healthyliving #chronicpain #fibro #autoimmunedisease #lifestyle #healing

IN­FRARED SAUNA | OK! (Australia)

Sit­ting in this warm room is said to draw out tox­ins, boost im­mu­nity and burn 600 calo­ries, so it’s lit­tle won­der in­frared saunas are the new celebrity go-to. Lady Gaga, Gwyneth Pal­trow and Jen­nifer Anis­ton are all fans of the treat­ment, which uses…


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